The Regular Guy – Dark Horse Raffle

Raffle is DONE!

With season 4 of The Regular Guy kicking off shooting this week, with no presenting sponsor, we are trying to raise some funds for the production. With this in mind, I decided to raffle off the, Ferral Dark Horse Midlength from Season 3. This was one of the most beautiful surfboards I have ever seen and is definitely one of the most unique.

Buy your Raffle Ticket

If you would like a chance to win this incredible piece of art and functional, Midlength Twin Fin, here are the details.

Tickets cost R150 and you can deposit the money into the bank account below:

Kai Linder – Capitec – Acc: 1717213896 – Branch: 470010


Thanks in advance for your support!

The Dark Horse

This board was a mind bender as can be witnessed in my review of it!

Win a Nixon Watch – The Regular Guy Season 1

Watch Season 1 of The Regular Guy

The concept was simple, create a surfboard review show that was relevant to the every day, normal surfer. At 42, weighing 110kg and being a good, but certainly not a pro surfer, I was the perfect candidate. If a board goes well for me, it will more than likely go well for you! Plus who else but Captain Kai knows the whole of the SA Surf Scene.

It is simple, in order to win the Nixon Tide Watch or one of two Hurricane Grips, you need to have watched Season 1, of the Regular Guy. Then you take the survey below (It will take 3 minutes) and make sure you follow both Captain Kai and Nixon on Instagram.

Season 1 of The Regular Guy was filmed over 10 days at Supertubes, Jbay and I tested six surfboards from some of SA’s finest board makers. The brief was simple, send a board that would make surfing big winter, swells easier for the average surfer. The surfboard must paddle really well, have a high performance level and, of course, suit a surfer weighing 110kg and 42 years old, myself.

If you have not watched all the episodes, here you go:

Season 1 The Regular Guy

Now, do the survey!

The survey will take 3-5 minutes and will help me improve Season 2, so that you, the viewer, get more out of the surfboard reviews. Make sure you follow Captain Kai and Nixon on Instagram! Winner announced 18 October 2020!

Create your own user feedback survey

Support the Shapers and Sponsors!

This whole series would not have been possible without the featured board makers and of course my sponsors. So please show them some love.

Accommodation was provided by AtSupers and we were styling in Pepper St, just meters from the paddle out at Supers (Also the best breakfasts of my life!)

We ate like kings thanks to Jbay’s home away from home, Ninas Real Food.

All my board bags, leashes and grips were supplied by Hurricane Surf.

All my fins were supplied by Scarfini.

I know the tides and sunrise and sunset every day thanks to my Nixon Tide Pro.

The six surfboards were from:

Channel Islands, Twig Surfboards, Dutchie Surf Designs, Gonzo Shapes, SMTH Shapes and Mat Surfboards.

Win tickets to Holeshot Glory 2018

Get ready to witness the third installment of Holeshot Glory, brought to you by RECKED INDUSTRIES. Spectators will have the privilege to see some of South Africa’s top MOTOCROSS ATHLETES going head to head, as they gear up and battle it out, during a flat out sprint to the finish line and back, and stake their claim of bragging rights in the winner takes all Holeshot challenge.

Risk vs reward at Holeshot Glory!

The higher the risk, the higher the reward, and that is the name of the game, which guarantees non-stop nail-biting action for the spectators. It’s going to be, what can only be termed, “a day in THE DIRT”. To keep things exciting this year, we have added a little extra action, by teaming up with some of the coolest partners.

Rat Rod Racing

Hot Rod SA has pulled in to introduce Rat Rod Racing, on the flat track, into the mix. Stoos Customs will be presenting Harley Davidson drags and of course, we have the crown of HoleShot Glory up for grabs again which is brought to us by Red Bull South Africa.

Win 2x tickets – just comment and share my FB post HERE

Holeshot Glory sponsored by Red Bull
Whip Off sponsored by GAC Laser
King of the Corner
Harley Drags sponsored by Stoos Customs
Flat Track sponsored by Woodstock Moto / DGR
Flat Track Cars sponsored by Hot Rod SA / Salt River Customs

What’s a day in the dirt without some entertainment? Come and support some local rock and roll heroes on the Jack Daniel’s stage. There will also be great Jack drink specials throughout the course of the day.

All this is happening on Sunday the 23 September 2018, at Zone 7 in Cape Town, South Africa. It’s a great day out for the whole family.

R60 Early Bird Tickets
R100 for Adults
R30 for kids

Here is the video from last year:

Photographer: Sam Clark

Win Ultimate X Finals Tickets & a R2500 Hamper

Thats right guys and gals, I have one last minute dot com give away for this weekend’s Ultimate X festival, that includes a R2500 Hamper –
WSF Complete Skateboard
Mongoose Water bottle
DC Product
Fox SnapBack Cap
Sponsor Sticker packs
Monster Energy Pack
Session Mag
UX Double Finals Tickets

What do you have to do to win?

Post on Facebook this link –

Telling the world why you want to go and making sure to tag myself ( and UX ( – its that easy and it will def help if you like both pages!
I will announce the winner on Friday 24 February 2017!

Lets be Frank – A surf Movie with a twist…

I have known Frank Solomon a long time. He is a good gent, the ladies love him and he is really, not scared at all, of massive, scary waves! So I am stoked that his new feature, with the team at Red Bull Media House, is launching this month and I am even more stoked I get to go watch the premier. This guy hangs out with the likes of John John Florence, Jamie O”Brien and Ben harper, so you can be sure of some serious surf action, great music and even comedy and laughs thanks to guys like Cokey Falkow and all Frank’s mates. Check out the trailer and remember you can win tickets to the Cape Town premier, see below!

Let’s Be Frank is a visceral journey through the unseen and unknown world of big wave surf adventurer Frank James Solomon, an intercontinental clandestine investigation blurring the lines between myth, legend and reality – leading to the question… Just who is Frank?

Let’s Be Frank Premiere’s early September. Check out our tour dates below to see if we stop in your town!

LA – The Port Theater – 1st September
Cape Town – Labia Theatre – 9th September
Durban – The Barnyard Theatre – 11th September
London – Curzon Soho – 15th September

Remember you can win tickets to the Cape Town premier with Red Bull South Africa! Find Frank Solomon in Cape Town, take a picture with him and tag #WHOISFRANK.

You can catch the global premiere of Let’s Be Frank on September 19th online at Red Bull TV :


Rafikis Prize Night – Win a Custom Artwork Surfboard

This is a reminder that this Thursday the 31st of March I will be hosting one of the last Prize Nights so rack up entries everyday of the week for “Thursday Prize Night”.
With over R 12,000 in prizes such as: The last limited edition Vudu Surfboards painted by Buffy Braveart – a limited edition Boardhub Skateboards painted by Buffy Braveart, Marti Lund & Mr Migo – 4 x 5 L’s of Darling Brew beer kegs – R 600 worth of Rafikis vouches – a Rafikis Beach Hamper ( Umbrella & Pro Frisbee ) – a Brand Collective clothing hamper – 8 x Fiction & 8 x Vice City entry comps.

Also keep in mind that you only have 8 weeks left for a lifetime of memorable moments under Rafikis’ roof. They will be closing our doors and dropping the mic at the end of May so COME PLAY!

Win a Tickets & Prize Pack with Ultimate X 2016


Winning is always awesome, especially when you can win a R2800 prize pack with tickets to the biggest Action Sports event in Africa, Ultimate X!

I am making this one super easy, all you have to do is cut and paste the copy below, paste it onto your FB wall or twitter, make sure you tag and like myself (FB: T: and Ultimate X (FB: T:
COPY: I am frothing to go to Africa’s biggest action event #UltimateX with #HarleyAfrica #DarkCustom #Win (Tag myself and Ultimate X)

I will choose the winner on Monday 22 February – so you have a week to enter. The more entries, the more chances. You need to be in Cape Town for the event to receive this prize. (My decision is final)

The prize pack includes:
2 x Ultimate X Finals Tickets
Skateboard Deck
Skullcandy Headphones
Sprite Hamper
Fox Peak Cap
DC Shoe Company Tee
Session Skate Magazine
Red Bulletin Magazine
Ultimate X Sticker Pack

So get posting!

Monster Energy MX Nationals at Zone 7 – Win Tickets

This weekend the best mx racing in SA comes to Cape Town, with the MX Nationals happening at Zone 7. All the countries top riders will be in action along with the Monster Energy girls and of course a massive party! If you want to come enjoy the day alongside myself, by winning some tickets, just listen to my radio show this eve, 6-7pm on

I promise it is going to be one hell of a day!

Win Ultimate X 2015 Tickets & Hamper worth R1750

WIN a hamper worth a total of R1,750 complete with 2 weekend passes, a complete skateboard setup and rad merchandise from SkullCandy/NEFF, Sprite, Sessions and Red Bull!

So the big event is on this weekend and has moved from a full day daylight event at the Waterfront, to a 2 night action extravaganza at Grand West Casino. For the first time ever the Grand West Arena will ring with the braap braap of 4 Stroke engines and the whir of BMX wheels and Skateboards. Each night starting at 7pm will see a 3 hour show incorporating FMX, BMX and Skateboarding, hosted by myself. The KDC Grand Slam for Skateboarding means the countries best have shown up to compete, with some international guests in the mix and in the BMX a whole host of international guys have made the trek across to Africa. This means you are guaranteed to see the best action sports event in Africa!

Winning is not to complicated! Just follow the easy steps below and I will choose my winner on my radio show on 2 Oceans Vibe Radio on Thursday morning btw 10-11am. (My decision is final!) So you have just over 2 days to bang in those entries!

To win, simply ensure you ‘like’ the Ultimate X FB Page and my Captain Kais World FB Page then share this post on Facebook telling your friends why you wanna go to Ultimate X. Remember to ‘Tag’ my page, Captain Kais World FB Page, in your post. It is that easy!

Check out the highlights from 2014 and get those entries in!

Supercross Fails – Biggest crashes of AMA Supercross

With Supercross Africa right around the corner, what better way to get excited than watching some spectacular fails from AMA Supercross. While you are always guaranteed the best racing, Supercross also provides plenty of big crashes, thanks to the tight corners, large jumps and big prize purse pushing the riders.

Remember you can WIN a VIP experience to the action in Pretoria on the 01 November 2014, just click the link on the right!