Backdraft – Bobby Martinez

Love him or hate him, or just be plain confused by him, one thing we can all agree on is that Bobby Martinez is one hell of a surfer. One of my all time favorite backhand surfers, I was pretty sad to see him quit the tour. Luck for us, Monster Energy saw his potential and now sponsor him to be free and do what he loves.

Bobby Martinez fires off on, well… everything. Check for the fullscreen photo feature + bonus interview.

Top 5 Web Surf Videos of 2014

With the Surfer Poll having just gone down and most sites picking their highlights for the year, I thought I would give you guys my picks for the best web surf videos over this year. There have been some absolute bangers, some that follow the old music and surf formula and the newer arty ones that mix and match between old french people smoking and John John busting. My criteria is simple, good music, great editing and surfing that gets me pumped to go session!

Before I get into the Top 5, one video worth watching in number 6 is this one, Clay on Clay by Surfing Mag. Unleashing Clay Marzo and Matt Meola on West Oz was a great idea. Maybe a little to many left handers, but the surfing and footage are insane.

Clay is Clay from SURFING Magazine on Vimeo.

Number 5 – LNF: Diamond of the Desert
With the focus on just the one spot, this video still inspires and fills with a sense of wonder. Having one of the longest tube sequences ever filmed also helps, with Koa Smith the standout.

LNF: Diamond of the Desert from on Vimeo.

Number 4 – Enjoy
John John Florence and filmer, Blake Kueny, have made some memorable web videos. This one definitely went arty on us, but the surfing footage and the feeling of being in France created by Blake definitely got me amped to go surf and eat baguettes.

Enjoy from John John Florence on Vimeo.

Number 3 – The Getaway
Jordy Smith has been having a banger year and he backed it up with this sweet video shot in Mozambique. Huge gaffs, big punts and long tubes in paradise make this video a keeper.

Jordy Smith: The Getaway from O'Neill on Vimeo.

Number 2 – Cheese 2
Noa Deane has just found himself in the cuck after some rather bad behaviour at the Surfer Poll Awards, but he still won the AI award and this video won best web video. There is a reason why, he rips and the video is shot so well with insane tunes. I almost made it number 1.

Noa Deane | Cheese II from Rusty Brasil on Vimeo.

Number 1 – Dirty Dozen
Pumping track, huge moves and of course Mr Dane Reynolds. This is everything you need in a surf short and its simplicity is the winning factor. Short, sharp and to the point, make this video my winner for 2014. These are twelve of my best clips of Dane Reynolds. Filmed in Sumbawa, Japan, Hawaii, and California from 2011 – 2013, for various Marine Layer Productions projects such as Excerpt, LOADED, and Kai Neville’s Dear Suburbia.

Dane’s Dirty Dozen in High Definition from mini blanchard on Vimeo.

So thats my web surf video choices for 2014. Let me know your thoughts and if I missed any good ones?