SA Surfer nearly jumps on a Shark – Great Arial footage of Garden Route Wave

First off, this video is great and really well shot. The place is one of the most beautiful stops on the Garden Route and there are waves up and down the coast. That said, there are and always have been a large population of Great White sharks in the area. The local surfers simply get on with it, even when sharing the lineup with one guy in a grey suit. They have accepted that they share their chosen environment with this apex predator and thus get on with the job at hand, enjoying the ocean as much as possible. Having said all this, if the surfer at 02:37 actually saw what he nearly jumped on top of, he may have stained his wetsuit… that is one big shadow. Surfing in South Africa is not for sissies.

Surfing in harmony from Stuart Brink Films on Vimeo.

Our Ocean is Alive – The Sardine Run 2013

Most people from around the world think of the South African ocean as shark infested. You are not wrong, but we have so much more than just the sharks, our waters are alive with all sea creatures! Every year the sardine shoals arrive on our East coast and the ocean comes alive like never before. Whales, sharks, dolphins, seals, Tuna, birds and humans all converge on these shoals and the water literally boils with life. It is not always the safest time to surf, but many people now go and dive amongst the chaos, with the theory that the small sardines are the targets and during this time all big predators work together. Check out the cool video shot during the Run…

Sardine Run with Animal Ocean from Animal Ocean on Vimeo.

Shark deterrent wetsuits developed in Australia

Ok, as surfers we are always keen on discovering new ways to improve our chances of not ending up as food for the oldest predator in the ocean. A whole bunch of different anti-shark systems have popped up over the last few years and this is the latest one. Check out the video (I can’t say it overwhelmingly impressed me and I would definitely like to see the actual wetsuits being tested. That shark was awfully close to the bait box and a flying Great White would still probably have torn it apart!) But, lets see what they show us next…

World-leading shark scientists at the University of Western Australia now understand exactly how sharks see. In collaboration with the university, SAMS has translated the scientific data into a range of patented shark deterrent and repellent wetsuits, along with other products now available online. Test footage was captured by National Geographic.