Llandudno, Cape Town – The 2015 instalment of the RVCA Rolling Retro surf event has been postponed by one week, to 1 March 2015, with the forecast conditions for this Sunday 22 February looking far from ideal.
There is a very real worry that the surfboard collection will be damaged, and that large surf at Llandudno could result in irreplaceable surfboards possibly being broken. So it is in respect to this heritage collection of surfboards that the event will be postponed by one week.
There is also the family element to consider. “The swell is expected to be big this Sunday, and puts us in a place where it might not be ideal for the kids, ladies and casual surfers,” said contest director Kai Linder. “We have decided to postpone till next Sunday, 01 March 2015.”
So, another week of anticipation. The retro surfboards, supplied by Robby from Vudu Surf www.facebook.com/VuduSurf are ready, and the handslides, made by Wawa Wooden Surfboards www.facebook.com/pages/Wawa-Wooden-Surfboards/131058550324846 are also ready and available for the bodysurfers.
On Sunday 01 March the day’s festivities will be based around the Llandudno Surf Lifesaving Club, and the event helps raise funds for the club. Check out the Facebook Event Page for more details – www.facebook.com/events/772227866197463/
Robby from Vudu has about 50 vintage boards from his personal collection on hand for the event. From original Whitmore longboards and a 7’6 Whitmore Spoon, to Safaris, Larmonts, a Gerry Lopez Pipeline single fin, and a bunch of other classic boards for the surfers to choose from. It’s a fun event, and surfers are going to win by combining old school style and retro moves, with positioning and style.
The RVCA Rolling Retro 2015 will also, for the first time, feature a Bodysurfing division. There are slots for 40 bodysurfers in this division, with ten wooden Wawa handslides available for contestants to use in the competition. Bodysurfing is the art of riding a wave without the assistance of any buoyant device such as a surfboard or a bodyboard. All that a bodysurfer needs is a set of fins, with a handslide providing increased speed and less drag. The bodysurfing event will award three El Jimador agave handslides valued at R1,800 each for the three bodysurfers with the most stylish manoeuvres.
It is probably going to be a warm day at the beach, and the RVCA Rolling Retro is going to be one busy event. Parking is going to be scarce, and it is recommended that people utilise Uber www.uber.com/cities/cape-town or Myciti Bus services next Sunday to get down to the beach. Uber have taken it to the next level, offering R200 off to anyone going down to the event. Check promo code below:

Bring sunscreen, and bring some money, as it’s going to get hot down there, and drinks and food will be available.
If you want to see what it’s all about, check out the event teaser video clip here –
RVCA ROLLING RETRO TEASER 2015 from RVCA South Africa on Vimeo.
There is also a great music lineup for the event, with RVCA partnering with Vans to present ‘Good Vibrations’ with a number of great local bands in the mix. The bands include Bilderberg Motel, The Dyna Jets, The Larter Brothers and Roastin’ Records.
The event hashtag is #rvcarollingretro
For more details check out the RVCA Rolling Retro Facebook event page www.facebook.com/events/772227866197463/ ??
To follow the event go to the RVCA South Africa Facebook page www.facebook.com/RVCA.South.Africa???
For all things RVCA contact:
Melissa Williams
e. melissa@rvcasouthafrica.co.za
t. 072 488 4279
For all things Rolling Retro contact:
Kai Linder
e. kaisurf@yahoo.com
t. 074 154 2618
For all things media contact:
Craig Jarvis
e. info@craigjarvis.co.za
t. 082 376 4443