Watch Season 1 of The Regular Guy
The concept was simple, create a surfboard review show that was relevant to the every day, normal surfer. At 42, weighing 110kg and being a good, but certainly not a pro surfer, I was the perfect candidate. If a board goes well for me, it will more than likely go well for you! Plus who else but Captain Kai knows the whole of the SA Surf Scene.
It is simple, in order to win the Nixon Tide Watch or one of two Hurricane Grips, you need to have watched Season 1, of the Regular Guy. Then you take the survey below (It will take 3 minutes) and make sure you follow both Captain Kai and Nixon on Instagram.
Season 1 of The Regular Guy was filmed over 10 days at Supertubes, Jbay and I tested six surfboards from some of SA’s finest board makers. The brief was simple, send a board that would make surfing big winter, swells easier for the average surfer. The surfboard must paddle really well, have a high performance level and, of course, suit a surfer weighing 110kg and 42 years old, myself.
If you have not watched all the episodes, here you go:
Season 1 The Regular Guy
Now, do the survey!
The survey will take 3-5 minutes and will help me improve Season 2, so that you, the viewer, get more out of the surfboard reviews. Make sure you follow Captain Kai and Nixon on Instagram! Winner announced 18 October 2020!
Create your own user feedback surveySupport the Shapers and Sponsors!
This whole series would not have been possible without the featured board makers and of course my sponsors. So please show them some love.
Accommodation was provided by AtSupers and we were styling in Pepper St, just meters from the paddle out at Supers (Also the best breakfasts of my life!)
We ate like kings thanks to Jbay’s home away from home, Ninas Real Food.
All my board bags, leashes and grips were supplied by Hurricane Surf.
All my fins were supplied by Scarfini.
I know the tides and sunrise and sunset every day thanks to my Nixon Tide Pro.
The six surfboards were from:
Channel Islands, Twig Surfboards, Dutchie Surf Designs, Gonzo Shapes, SMTH Shapes and Mat Surfboards.