Amazing Wakeskating with Matti Buys and Istudiomo

Wakeskating - Istudiomo

Welcome to Wakeskating

My first article of the new year and I must say I am stoked that it is about wakeskating and this movie.

Firstly, because I have always enjoyed watching wakeskating and secondly, because it features one of my favorite South African athletes, Matti Buys.

If you have not had a look at wake skating before, you may feel it is a hybrid child of wake boarding, skateboard and a wet t-shirt competition, which is not far off. It became popular once the urban kids starting riding cable parks and left the bindings off to be able to start doing skate tricks on the rails and jumps.

Since then it has grown at a rapid rate and now, especially with the aid of winch cables, has moved out into the great outdoors and urban water areas of the world. We also have a a pretty big crew in South Africa with a couple of wake parks you can go ride in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Ballito.

Istudiomo takes you into the heart of the wakeskating movement, featuring some of the world’s top riders and both crazy urban environments, as well as majestic and wild locations.

The gents have made the film free to view in order to help raise awareness of the sport and to attract new blood to the scene, something I can really respect. If you do enjoy the movie go and show some love on their website and you can make a donation – Istudiomo

The film features riding from Nick Taylor, Andrew Pastura, Cole Kraiss, Yan Lecomte, Matti Buys, David Roehm, Ollie Moore, Bret Little, Braden Ioi, Andrew Fortenberry, Nick Robinson, Travis Belsito and Collin Gee.

I rally enjoyed watching the film and highly recommend it. So make some popcorn, sit back and enjoy Istudiomo.

Enjoy the full film:

ISTUDIOMO from Andrew Roehm on Vimeo.

Keen – Matti Buys Wakeskate

It has been a while since we saw wakeskate footage at home with Matti Buys. What with his travels around the world, competing in the USA and a busy schedule. So stoked to see some footage from home in a great edit, with some great local music!

KEEN from Matti Buys on Vimeo.

Wakeskating the South Coast of South Africa with Matti Buys and Kaylib Louw
Filmed and edited by Timothy Woodley