Strange Rumblings at Skullcandy Movie Night

One of the best and most awarded surf films ever, Strange Rumblings in Shangri-La will blow your mind. When combined with a batch of insane short extreme films instead of trailers, half price drinks and gourmet braai on demand, well Sunday just got a whole lot better!

Join me at the Village Idiot this Sunday for the Skullcandy Movie Night with Monster Energy! Event info here –

Directed by JOE G and featuring GLOBE surf team riders DION AGIUS, NATE TYLER, TAJ BURROW, YADIN NICOL, DAMIEN HOBGOOD, CREED MCTAGGART, CJ HOBGOOD, ALEX SMITH, NOA DEANE, BRENDON GIBBENS, and MORE – STRANGE RUMBLINGS IN SHANGRI LA is a modern surf film that documents an unforgettable worldwide journey from the frigid shores of ICELAND to the sultry coastline of MOZAMBIQUE. From well-known spots in EUROPE to exotic islands off the coast of BRAZIL and into DEEPEST INDONESIA, this is their greatest adventure yet.


Perfect P-Pass – Inside Out with the Koa and Alex Smith

This is one of those waves I dream about. To be honest I would have to put some serious training in to be able to handle it at this size. Would be worth every last minute of sacrifice and training though. As a natural footer, P-Pass has to be very near the top of your must surf before I die wave list. (Great track playing to.)

INSIDE OUT – Barreled from all angles in Micro… starring Alex & Koa Smith + Sam Martin.

LNF: INSIDE OUT from on Vimeo.