Stab in the Dark returns!
The newly “retired” Mick Fanning stars in the latest edition of Stab in the Dark. The incredible concept, by Stab Magazine, takes one of the world’s best surfers and pairs them with unbranded surfboards from some of the world’s best shapers. This year, the shapers had to use some combination of stringerless EPS blanks, carbon fiber, and epoxy resin. Mick reckons he never surfs epoxy boards, so I am excited to see what happens.
Location, location, location
The locations are pretty hazy, though it is clear that Japan is certainly one of them. Some good looking waves in the teaser, though Mick is quite capable of making crap waves looks exceptional. It appears they got stuck in a huge typhoon too, which could make for incredible waves post storm. Previous editions of Stab in the Dark have scored really good waves, so holding thumbs for this one.
The World’s Best have taken part
Previous editions have featured some of the world’s best, such as Jordy Smith, Dane Reynolds and Julian Wilson. One of my favourite moments was when Jordy loved a board shaped by his old man, unknowingly, the now famous 44. (A board I have and love.) That is what makes the concept so cool, that they only find out who shaped which board right at the end. So enjoy the teaser…
how can i purchase 2019 “stab in the dark”
Pretty sure you can get it on the Stab site, or on iTunes.
certainly gotta be Taiwan in the locations too.