Now Now with Jordy Smith

The man is on fire! He just got engaged to his super model gal, he has been ripping all over the planet and many are calling him for the world title this year! He was not even planning to release a new film, but scored so much good footage over the last few months he kind of had to. Love the SA flavor to Mr Smith! So lets watch it now now bru…

STAB X O’Neill present Jordy Smith’s movie NOW NOW from O'NeillOz on Vimeo.

Jordy Smith’s latest film “NOW NOW” is unadulterated surf porn. It’s less about the editors artistic impression, and all about what one of the most relevant surfers in the world is doing between dawn and dusk.
Jordy Smith stormed onto the World Tour in 2008 with no apologies and no prisoners. Since first pulling on a ‘Smith’ jersey, he’s brought home victories (J-Bay), accomplished personal goals (winning outside South Africa, in Rio), clocked 10s (everywhere) and shown us all how endearing the transition from cocky benchwarmer to graceful batsman can really be.
Watching all 6’3″ of him hospitalise a beachbreak end section or man-handle a Cloudbreak freight train with equal panache will steal your breath. But Jordy doesn’t just dance for the judges – 2013’s been a year in which he has shocked with freesurf clips, it was only a matter of time ’til we would be gifted a digital extended play.
Welcome to NOW NOW, a collage of moments tagged and bagged during the first six months of this year. Filmed in Mozambique, South Africa, Australia and Indonesia, one simple mantra has kept Jordy’s batteries charged and allowed us the pleasure of NOW NOW: “I just want to go surf. That’s what I want to do.”
Jordy commented, “This movie kinda just happened, I wasn’t really expecting to drop another movie so soon after Bending Colours, then I did a few trips down to Mozambique to test boards and get dialed for Snapper and scored some epic waves.”
“I love Durban, its probably the best place in the world to get clips. The waves are so consistent and super hollow and rampy. I’d seen a few of the young Brazilian kids sticking backflips which got me amped. I ended up sticking two big ones in Ballito, that’s when I realised that we were sitting on some sick footage & had to make this movie”
On sale Friday 13th September 2013 on iTunes