Doonies3 – Monster Energy

Dirt Shark is back with the third edition of the Doonies, shot at the Glamis Dunes in California. The Monster Energy team arrive en masse for mayhem in the sand. Really think its time for us to do our own version right here in Cape Town!

With some new surprises, they brought the most outrageous Monster Energy Off-Road machinery imaginable – The Doonies journeyed back to the Glamis Sand Dunes of California to wreak havoc and go bigger then ever #DOONIES3


Every year the good gents at LW Mag drop their calendar on us, with some of the hottest local talent. This year is no different and not only do you get the calendar, but the steamy behind the scenes video. So sit back with a mug of coffee and enjoy some home grown hot…

Brought to you by AquaVita Water in association with Turn1 Wheels, Achilles Tyres and RDG.

Filmed and edited by Obsession Media House
Key Make-up Artist and Hair Stylist: Morag Steyn assisted by Sonam Chettiar and Tilana Den Hartog – Catrice Cosmetics | Caribbean Tan.
Calendar Girls dressed by Jeannie Bikini.
Photography by Hotlens Photographic

2017 LW Mag Calendar Girls:
Miss January – Wendy van Rensburg
Miss February – Candice Sills
Miss March – Kayleigh Joan
Miss April – Phumza Tiya
Miss May – Kelly Roux
Miss June – Rejaenne Morgan
Miss July – Jade Wilson
Miss August – Britt Dercksen
Miss September – Nokwazi Zimu
Miss October – Laura Russell
Miss November – Megan Skye
Miss December – Kayla Grover

#Doonies2 presented by Dirt Shark & Monster Energy

Bikes, buggies, trucks and even snowmobiles are joined by the Monster Girls and the Monster Energy team for mayhem in the sand. What a great way to start the New Year!

Bringing a collection of the most outrageous Monster Energy machinery – The Doonies journeyed back to the Glamis Sand Dunes of California to wreak havoc and go bigger then imaginable #DOONIES2

2016 LW Mag Calendar Shoot BTS – #WCW

I often post the top Swimsuit Calendars from around the planet, so it is pretty refreshing to be posting a South African one for once. The gents at LW Mag produce their calendar every year with a bevy of local beauties and this year the ladies were looking pretty amazing. So enjoy the video and order your calendar! Oh and support the gals, their Insta links below.

2016 LW Mag Calendar Girls:
Miss January – Nikki du Plessis – @Miss_NikkiDuPLessis
Miss February – Aiste Klimaite – @aisteklimaite_xoxo
Miss March – Kirsty O’Connell – @kirstykinxoconnell
Miss April – Alexia Woodward – @alexia_tia
Miss May – Crystal Potgieter – @crystalita_x
Miss June – Mandy Kgobe – @mandy_kgobe
Miss July – Tanya De Lange – @originaltanya
Miss August – Carla Rubin – @carlzrubin
Miss September – Nirelda Andreka – @nirelda
Miss October – Greer Marthinusen – @greeralexa
Miss November – Zante Roberson – @zanteroberson
Miss December – Carmi Wilmans – @Carmi_may

Miss Reef Calendar 2016 – #WCW

This Wednesday I bring you the return of that which celebrates the lady’s derrière more than any other publication, the Miss Reef Calendar for 2016. Every year Reef Brazil releases a calendar that as per their advertising campaign for over 2 decades concentrates firmly on the rear part of some very good looking ladies in Bikinis. So enjoy the video and you can check out the online look book and order your calendar here –

For this year’s Miss Reef calendar, the young, nomadic photographer Kate Bellm was unleashed into the jungles of Costa Allegre for her wanderlust interpretation of Just Passing Through. She took an edgy perspective but retained the mystery of Miss Reef. The final result was twelve months worth of youth culture-driven pop art of Miss Reef in cerulean lagoons and lush tropical woodlands of the Pacific Mexican coast, all with Miss Reef falling into Bellm’s brand of mischief and adventure.

For best viewing experience watch in 4K!